Convenient Tire Repair
Don't let a flat sideline you when you call Hawk Tire Service in Amarillo, Texas. With our tire repair, you'll be able to drive off and continue your trip.
On Our Way
Dealing with a flat tire and being stranded can be a stressful experience. With our services, we repair or change your tire. Even if you don't have a spare, we keep you out of the auto shop by bringing one to you.
Every Vehicle
Whether you drive a car, truck, or RV, we help you get back on the road. We service all makes and models. With our collection of tires, we are sure to have one that fits your vehicle.
Dependable & Affordable
When you use our services, you'll be on your way again. To avoid future issues, we check for other potential problems and offer suggestions for repairs.
Contact us to work with us on your tire repair or replacement.
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